Thursday, May 27, 2010


infact we have two meetings this week one with Mr.Hasnain CEO of Aerocar and one with MrAbdul .Wahid for aiflow and its measurements.

hey Visitors dont forget to comment and grade this block............... :-))


JavaFoil is a relatively simple program, which uses several traditional methods for airfoil analysis.

JavaFoil is a relatively simple program, with some limitations. As with all engineering computer codes, it is up to the user to judge and to decide how far he wants to trust a program.


02 of our group members namely MR. Noman Waheed and Mr. Ali Bin Qamar are selected for PAC KAMRA Internship. ... now they are in Kamra, we wish them best of luck in their work and all our best prayers are with them....

"...guys --- you  deserve this !!! "

fahad, talha